Tuesday 13 November 2012

Canine Good Citizen - Part 1

So, I began my CGC class last Monday and do I even need to say this...? I did great! In fact, I did so great, Aunty Amanda had me do an exercise one more time just to see that she wasn't dreaming! Hah! As you can see from the pictures, I was pretty chilled out. I still don't understand why everyone was laughing at me but hey! a girl's gotta sit pretty, doesn't she? Especially if she's as pretty as me! In any case, it was cold... and I just wanted to keep my paws warm...
hmm... comfy!
Anyway, as you can see, the other doggies there didn't phase me, no, no! And I've got my commands down so good that Aunty Amanda had me show them other doggies how to do them. I showed them how to sit still and stay put when your (foster) Mommy tells you to, even if she goes far, far away. I also showed them how to sit purdy when a stranger approaches us and wants to say hi. That's the trick that everyone thought I'd fail miserably at. But I just sat there, even when Aunty Amanda sent a complete stranger our way. Uh huh! I did Foster Mommy very proud that evening, I did!
Don't worry, I have no intention of stepping onto the cold grass!
Thanks, Aunty Amanda! I had so much fun and I'm so looking forward to the next class!


  1. Way to Go, PINK!!!!
    You know, starting in Jan. AKC counts your CGC as a title if you want them to. You are well on your way to joining an elite club little sister!

  2. Of course you did grreat! The CGC classes are lots of fun, even if the humans ask for some silly stuff sometimes. I can't wait until you've earned your CGC and we can lord it over our title-less sissies! ;)

    Oh, and those pictures made Momma laugh. She remembers all the pet fairs you climbed right up in her chair, whether she was in it already or not!

    1. I remember the pet fairs like it was yesterday! I so love your Momma <3 I really do miss climbing into her lap :)
